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I’m super excited today to release the first product in my “aging well” skin care lineup! It’s something I’ve been working on for quite awhile, many of you have graciously been my “testers”, and I’ve been blown away myself at how my own skin has improved.

I recently had a birthday….45…..I mean how is that even possible? I know you all get it and are shaking your heads in agreement with me at how the time is flying! As I’ve been on this “natural health” and “natural skin care” journey the last several years it has recently struck me that everything pertaining to people “my age” is “anti”. I get it, I’m not super excited about looking and feeling older…..however I’m truly not against aging. Let me explain!

I believe words matter. When I see the word “anti” it obviously means “against”. Am I against getting older? Actually, I’m so very grateful for each year I get to celebrate. When I see older people with laugh lines and crows feet around their eyes I often see a life well lived – a life that has lived through happy times, sad times, hard times……those are things and experiences that God uses to shape us into who we are. Some of the hardest valleys of my life God has used to help me in ways I never could have imagined, or come to on my own. So these lines that have become increasingly more prominent around my eyes, and my forehead, and my sagging and bagging areas, and all the things….I will try to keep them in perspective. Now do I want to take care of my skin and age well? YES! So that is my focus…..not trying to turn back the clock and fight against the years God gives me, but to age well and graciously.

This last year especially I’ve been exploring more oils and serums. I still love my cream moisturizers and eye cream, however, the stability, potency, and change I’ve seen with using oils and serums has led me to almost solely use them in my own skin care routine. That, and a need to “up my game” in doing more than just hydrating. I did not take care of my skin well at all in my twenties…..I’m still paying for it in my forties! But there’s good news – there are products available that truly do help diminish the fine lines, smooth and even out skin tone, tighten and help lift, soften and reduce redness, eczema, scarring, and acne just to name a few things!

I have 6-8 new products that I will be releasing this year. Hopefully 4 of those will come in the next few weeks. They include oils and serums that contain ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Willow Bark, CoQ10, and oils such as Sea Buckthorn, Baobab, Safflower, and others you may have never heard of! For today I will release the first product – Aging Well Daytime Moisturizer. This moisturizer is packed with ingredients that help short term to moisturize and soften skin without feeling “greasy”, while also working double duty and providing long term results by repairing and rejuvenating! Head over to my store page to check it out!

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