Tamanu Facial Cleansing Oil


A combination of 6 powerhouse oils combined for use in the Oil Cleansing Method. Available in 2oz and 4oz sizes.

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Oil Cleansing Method – if you haven’t heard of it google it – tons of info out there available that can probably explain with greater detail and clarity than I can in this short paragraph. The basics is removing your makeup/cleansing your face with oil, because “oil dissolves oil”. It does not generate suds – you will rub in about a quarter sized amount of oil onto your face for about a minute, then take a very very hot washcloth and lay it over your face to “steam”. Repeat steaming if desired, then gently wipe off the excess. This removes all makeup including eye makeup and mascara! You can also use lukewarm water if you feel the hot water makes you too dry.

Why oil cleanse? It does not “strip” your face of it’s natural oils like traditional soap/water methods do. It works to “balance” out your skin from vacillating between oily to dry. Excellent for those fighting acne, as well as helping with anti-aging! There can be an adjustment period of a few days to a couple of weeks, so keep that in mind. If I’ve been in the wind and dirt all day I also will follow up with apple cider vinegar diluted 50/50 with water on a cotton ball to remove excess dirt from the edge of my face, neck, etc….

Many oils can be used for oil cleansing – the oils I’ve chosen for this blend have the following benefits:

Tamanu Oil: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stimulates collagen production, fights against acne, helps with redness and scarring from acne or wounds, diminishes redness, leaves skin feeling softer and smoother.

Jojoba Oil:   antioxidant, non-comedogenic, moisturizing, very similar to our skin’s natural sebum, anti-aging.

Sunflower Oil: rich in vitamin A and E, helps regenerate damaged skin cells, light and non-greasy, helps fight against acne.

Castor Oil:   reduces puffiness, antibacterial properties, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory.

Grapeseed Oil: helps with skin elasticity and softness, helps tighten pores, reduces appearance of scars, heals acne, lightweight, noncomedogenic.

Carrot Seed Oil: anti-aging, contains skin mending vitamin A and collagen boosting vitamin C, antibacterial properties, anti-fungal properties.

So as you can see, the oils in this blend are packed with all the properties you would desire for a product on your skin, whether you are struggling with acne (young or old), or desiring a formula for anti-aging!

Ingredients: Tamanu Oil, Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sunflower Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Carrot Seed Oil – I use organic and cold pressed oils in my blends whenever possible- always sourcing the healthiest options I can find.

Additional information

Weight N/A

2 oz, 4 oz


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